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D.C.’s Sports Betting Revenue Was Set To Go To Early Childhood Education And Violence Prevention. Now It’s Not. | WAMU

June 20, 2019
  • D.C. Policy Center

On June 20, 2019, the D.C. Policy Center’s article, Implementing the NEAR Act to reduce violence in D.C., was cited by WAMU:

But passage was never a certainty. There’s a long history of attempts in D.C. to legalize gambling in one form or another, and they have largely been derailed by community opposition. To secure the needed votes, Council member Jack Evans (D-Ward 2), who chairs the Council’s finance committee, made a deal with wavering colleagues: the revenue from sports betting would be used to fund the Birth-to-Three For All D.C Act and the NEAR Act, ambitious and expensive new programs to improve early childhood education and tackle violence, respectively.

Read more: D.C.’s Sports Betting Revenue Was Set To Go To Early Childhood Education And Violence Prevention. Now It’s Not. | WAMU

Related: Implementing the NEAR Act to reduce violence in D.C. | D.C. Policy Center


D.C. Policy Center

Established in 2016, the D.C. Policy Center is a non-partisan research and policy organization committed to advancing policies for a strong and vibrant economy in the District of Columbia. Through rigorous research and collaboration, the D.C. Policy Center develops and tests policy ideas, disseminates its findings, and engages in constructive dialogue and debate.

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