Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Coffee & Networking 9:30 AM
Program 10:00 – 11:30 AM
MLK Library – 5th Floor Auditorium
901 G Street NW
Washington, DC 20001
Join us for the release of our fourth annual State of D.C. Schools report, a systemwide overview of public education in the District of Columbia. State of D.C. Schools, 2021-22 focuses on the return to in-person learning for all students for the first time in almost two years, measuring outcomes, and beginning work on recovery. Join us at MLK Library for coffee and networking, followed by a summary of the report findings and expert panel discussion with audience Q&A.
For those unable to attend in person, a recording of the program will be available on this page in the days following the event.
Dr. Yesim Sayin, Executive Director, D.C. Policy Center
Opening Remarks
Tara Brown, PAVE Parent Leader
Review of Findings
Chelsea Coffin, Director, D.C. Policy Center Education Policy Initiative
Panel Discussion
Eboni-Rose Thompson, President and Ward 7 Member, DC SBOE (moderator)
Dr. Christina Grant, State Superintendent of Education, OSSE
Dr. Chunita Pilgrim, Principal, Burrville Elementary School
Rachel Tommelleo, Principal, Center City Public Charter School – Brightwood
China Jones-Burgess, Student Representative, DC SBOE