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Amazon HQ2 Goes to New York City and Northern Virginia | CityLab

November 13, 2018
  • D.C. Policy Center

D.C. Policy Center Executive Director Yesim Sayin Taylor was quoted in a CityLab article on November 13, 2018 about Amazon’s HQ2 announcement:

Arlington, too, has climbing median home values, reaching $664,000 this year; and the D.C. metro area is increasingly squeezed for housing supply. Lower income residents have for years been pushed to the periphery, says Yesim Sayin Taylor, executive director of the D.C. Policy Center. With an Amazon, migration to the exurbs will only continue—and even without it, more building is necessary. “We are a region that’s growing and expanding very rapidly, and our housing markets have been changing for a long time,” she said. “All the things people say about what Amazon did to Seattle or San Francisco—it’s already happening in our region.”

Read more: Amazon HQ2 Goes to New York City and Northern Virginia | CityLab

Related: How big of a deal is Amazon HQ2 for the D.C. metro region? | D.C. Policy Center


D.C. Policy Center

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