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IRS study shows a post-pandemic exodus of wealthy residents from D.C. | Washington Times

August 15, 2024

On August 8, 2024, Director of the Rivlin Initiative Daniel Burge was quoted in the Washington Times:

Daniel Burge, the economic policy director for the D.C. Policy Center, said better jobs and schools, more housing options and lower taxes contributed to the exodus.

Mr. Burge also pointed out that wealthier households generally have more resources to move.

The dynamic shift toward remote work after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic gave “a number of people greater freedom to live farther away from their workplace,” he said.

Read More: IRS study shows a post-pandemic exodus of wealthy residents from D.C.
Additional reading: Chart of the week: Between 2022 and 2023, population growth in lower-cost metro areas outpaced D.C. and other pricier metro areas