Ward 3 and Ward 6 both include some of the most highly-valued residential neighborhoods in the District. Both are predominately composed of single-family homes, as shown in the maps above, yet the look and feel of each ward is strikingly different. Most of Ward 3 (shown in blue in the chart below) is composed of detached single-family homes in large lots, while residential areas in Ward 6 (shown in green) are mostly made up of row homes. As such, the housing density in Ward 6 is almost twice that of Ward 3.
These differences are important as we consider the future of housing affordability and inclusivity in D.C., as single-family zoning occupies 75 percent of all tax lots in D.C. and 43 percent of all surface area not owned by the federal government. As this example shows, even small increases in allowable density in single-family zones could have significant impacts across the District.
Learn more in our recent publication, Single-family zoning and neighborhood characteristics in the District of Columbia.